No Texting While… Legislating?

I’ve heard of no texting while driving, but no texting while Legislating?

Proving once again that Democrats are missing the point by a country mile, incoming Assembly Speaker John Perez announced this week it would now be against the rules to text while on the Assembly floor.

The move is intended to prevent lobbyists from communicating with Legislators during Assembly session and to, somehow, magically lessen the grip that special interests have on the Capitol.

But, banning text messages to Legislators in order to prevent influence is like putting a Chiclet in the Hoover Dam to stop a leak.

I’ll tell you what, Mister Speaker. We’ll give up Text messaging if your side agrees to stop being held hostage by the labor unions, stops forcing hard-working teachers into the teachers’ union, and …well,… I could send you an entire list of special interest offenses. If only you’d accept my texts.

The Case Against Big Government

For anyone watching Tuesday night’s
Special Election in Massachusetts and still wondering what all the fuss is
about, let me break it down for you.

Americans are mad as hell and they’re not
going to take it anymore.

What’s with all the anger? A recent viral
e-mail I received illustrates that people have finally begun to see firsthand
that "big government" – and the big spending that comes with it – is not only
wasteful, but it simply doesn’t work.