Is San Francisco Becoming More Libertarian than Leftist?

San Fran is changing. The poor and middle class are being moved out, can no longer afford high taxes, low pay and a government that loves regulations. In their place are technology workers—very well paid, can afford the rents; to buy a home, to pay for the San Fran taxes and lifestyle. Unlike the poor […]

A Conservative’s View: Republican Troubles

On Friday I received a big proud email from a guy named Pete Peterson, a Republican running for California Secretary of State.  He announced the Field Poll showed him far ahead of the Democrats in this race.  He was at 30%.On Saturday the Field Poll came out on the State Controller race.  The controversial Fresno […]

Tea Party Members and Energy Needed by Republican Party

Yesterday Tony Quinn published an article in Fox & Hounds that sounded like an eviction notice to Tea Party members and supporters, evicting them from the Republican Party. Pundits like Tony Quinn believe these folks should not be involved in the Republican Party, nor should they, by extension work, vote or donate to Republicans candidates. […]

Gov.’s Office Admits Revenue Surge was an Anomaly

As expected, the $5 billion in increased tax revenues (really $4.3 billion) is due to timing and one time money.  A billion of that comes from sales tax revenues from December but not reported till January.  $3 billion was one time money due to Obama tax increases and Prop. 30 retroactive taxes. Expect revenues for […]

Follow the Law or Open the Borders

Gavin Newsom is the Mayor of San Francisco, which is a “sanctuary” city. That means it is his policy to hide illegal aliens from law enforcement and protect them.

Mayor Newsom used tax dollars to give illegal aliens attorneys to defend themselves against deportation or criminal charges.

Mayor Newsom used tax dollars to send teen age illegal alien drug dealers to San Bernardino County, on a bus, to hide them from law enforcement.

Under Federal law, he has formed a conspiracy to protect illegal aliens. His city is over $450 million in deficit, but he used money from the poor and middle to protect and defend the criminal class—illegal aliens.

Federal law is clear, illegal aliens need to be found and deported. Why?

The Truth: California is in a Great Depression

Jack Nicholson had his most memorable statement in a movie, "A Few Good Men":

Kaffee: I want the truth!
Col. Jessep: [shouts] You can’t handle the truth!

Kaffee is really the people of California and the Colonel, played by Nicholson, are our Sacramento politicians.

Those in charge do not believe the people can handle the truth.

Here is the truth:

California unemployment (those unemployed, underemployed and have given up looking for employment) is NOT 12.3%, but north of 20%.

Steve Poizner Takes on Iran

We’ve seen a lot of media coverage of the brutal suppression of pro-democracy protests in Iran over the last several weeks. Although a lot of our leaders have condemned Tehran for the way in which the Iranian government has handled the protests, few of them have actually bothered to step up and do something about it. That’s why I applaud California Insurance Commissioner and 2010 Republican gubernatorial candidate Steve Poizner for his bold and forward-thinking action yesterday to limit the amount of money invested by insurers in Iran, which is also one of the world’s most prominent state sponsors of terrorism. It’s about time that we had leadership in Sacramento that does more than just make empty promises.

Yesterday, Commissioner Poizner used the authority vested in him to enforce an existing state law that prohibits California-based insurance companies from investing in corporations that fund the Iranian regime. That means that he will order California insurers to divest of Iranian government holdings and, moreover, he will order a survey of these insurers to ensure that they are complying with the law.

May 19th Election: P.T. Barnum is Alive and Well in Sacramento

Previously the Governor told us,”Pass Prop. 58, and deficit spending will be a thing of the past”. Today the deficit, with Prop. 58, is $50 billion and growing. In 1979, we were told pass Prop. 4, the Gann amendment, and we will control deficit spending–it took Sacramento ten years to change it, to allow bigger and better deficits.

The current effort, Prop.1A, has a loophole, it allows the Governor, for any reason to declare an emergency, with no appeals, to get at the “rainy day fund”. In other words, the vote of the people and the legislature can be overturned by one person, the Governor. Do you want to have one person hold your paycheck and bank account hostage to special interests? That is what Prop.1A does.

In fact, the reason Prop. 1A is now losing is that the word has been received by the voters–Sacramento is lying to them. The ballot summary does not mention the $16 billion tax increase. It does not make clear that for no reason the Governor can overturn the rainy day fund.