What Is a “Loophole” in the Tax Laws?

For years around the State Capitol, as well as during ballot wars such as this year’s Proposition 15 to create a split property tax roll, we have heard the claim of tax increase proponents that their bill in the Legislature or their initiative on the ballot is simply “closing a tax loophole.” So, what exactly […]
2021 and Another Minimum Wage Hike Coming
Just like earlier this year, because of the enactment of SB 3 (Leno) in 2016, California’s minimum wage is going up again. On January 1, 2021, the state’s minimum wage will be increased for all sizes of businesses, including “small employers,” who will see their fourth wage hike in recent years. Under prior state law, […]
A Review of 2020 Gubernatorial Bills Actions
September 30 was the deadline for Governor Gavin Newsom to act on the bills sent to him after the Legislature adjourned its 2020 Session in the early morning hours of September 1. The Legislature sent 428 bills to the Governor’s Desk this year. Of those, there were 137 SBs and 291 ABs. Of that total, […]
Bills on the Governor’s Desk – 2020 Session
Now that the 2020 California Legislative Session has adjourned, it is time to look at the forthcoming gubernatorial actions. Pursuant to Article IV, Section 10(b)(2), “Any bill passed by the Legislature before September 1 of the second calendar year of the biennium of the legislative session and in the possession of the Governor on or […]
California Legislators Propose Wealth Tax
On the morning of August 13, Assembly Bill 2088 was gutted-and-amended an elections bill into a wealth tax. AB 2088 is jointly authored by Assembly Members Bonta, Carrillo, Chiu, Gonzalez, Kalra, Santiago, Stone, Ting, and Wicks. Assembly coauthors include Chu and Jones-Sawyer and Senate coauthors include Skinner, Durazo and Lena Gonzalez. In the new bill […]
Has the Legislature Reduced Its Bill Load?
Has the California Legislature reduced the number of bills it is considering and voting on this Session due to the pandemic and their two lengthy shutdowns? This is the first question being discussed in and out of the State Capitol the past few months. And, the answer is a resounding yes. The second question being […]
Massive New Tax Increase Proposed on High-Income Californians
Gutting-and-amending a bill originally related to local governments in the Public Resources Code, Assembly Bill 1253 now proposes a massive tax increase on thousands of sole proprietors and high-income Californians. AB 1253 was amended on July 27, the Legislature’s first day back from its extended summer recess. Originally authored by Assemblyman Robert Rivas when it […]
SB 1383 Should Be Rejected

As part of the recent budget deal struck last weekend between the Legislature and the Governor, SB 1383 (Jackson) would create a massive expansion of protected leave under the California Family Rights Act (CFRA). The bill came into print at 9pm on June 23 and was heard about the same time a day later in […]
Possible ballot measures from the Legislature for this November’s election
The Legislature by a 2/3 majority vote (and no gubernatorial action) can place measures on the statewide ballot. The Elections Code, absent an amendment, requires the Legislature to do so by this Thursday, June 25. The following constitutional amendments are currently active: ACA 4 (Mullin) Elections: Voting Age – amended in Senate on June 20; […]
Is Employer Liability Relief Possible in this Pandemic?
At both the federal and state levels, elected officials are considering proposals to relieve businesses of possible legal liability in response to the COVID-19 pandemic as it applies to their workplaces. California is unique because state law allows private litigants to enforce state labor laws and collect legal fees and expenses. Enacted in 2003, California’s […]