Attorney General Jerry Brown is one of those politicians who have been
a fixture on our political mantle for 35-plus years.  Soon he may be
both the youngest governor in California history and also the oldest
come November 2nd.

The questions remains, however, is how much gas is
left is the old blue Plymouth Satellite?  Brown definitely has the experience and
the name recognition.  Does he have, to use a song hugely popular in
his last year as governor, the "Eye of the Tiger"?

Brown faces the monied juggernaut of Meg Whitman, the Republican
nominee who has spent almost $100 million of her own money thus far in
an attempt to secure the brass ring of California politics: the
governorship.  He brings experience at running state government, a
record of problem-solving and an ability-to use an idiom popularized by
Brown himself during his presidential runs-to live off the land.

But as L.A. Times reporter Seema Mehta points out, "The combination of Whitman’s wealth and a distinct lack
of energy by Brown is making California Democrats nervous about their
candidate’s prospects in the fall."  And well they should be.  If there
is any established rule in politics, it is that nothing is inevitable.
Waiting to throw a punch, relying on fading memories of the
electorate, and hoping for younger voters to get excited and stay in
the blue column simply will not suffice.

Here is unseen footage of Attorney General Brown in a version of Howard Dean-mode at a National Latino Congreso in Los Angeles, almost two years ago to
the day.  He appears to be quite capable of turning up the heat
expenditure as well as hitting his targets without reservation or
equivocation.  Brown was speaking to a like-minded audience but his
passion, touch of humor and grasp of the issues should be reassuring to
nervous Nellies.

It is safe to say that Brown will not be able to match the finances of the 4th richest woman in California.  His game plan includes relying upon his storied last name, tapping
into the reformist mood of the electorate and playing to his base of
Democrats-while also shoring up support among independents (roughly 20%
of the electorate).  While there should be nothing inevitable about his
candidacy, he has the energy and the experience to go the distance.  He
may drive a Toyota Camry hybrid now but Brown is the Rocky Balboa in this gubernatorial race.  He just needs to show the crowd a little
more of the "Eye of the Tiger" mentality and watch out for Clubber
Lang’s mean right hook.

An expanded version of this piece is also running in the Huffington Post.