Charles Munger, Jr. who spent more that $35-million in the recent election initiative campaigns told the California Chamber of Commerce Post-Election Public Affairs Council Meeting yesterday that he has no plans to support any California initiative campaigns soon. Munger, a physicist by profession who served as the conference’s keynote speaker, said he would spend time trying to spread redistricting reform nationally and work toward improving the status of the California Republican Party.
Munger acknowledged the defeats he took on Election Day over Propositions 30 and 32, congratulating his opponents for winning for a “bad cause.” However, he did embrace his victory in winning Proposition 40, thus preserving the redistricting reform that Munger helped pass.
Munger praised the redistricting reforms referring to them as a “structural” success if not in the outcome of the elections. While acknowledging his party took a drubbing in the polls in this election, he said because the districts are now competitive, Republicans can make a comeback in future elections.
He also argued that if the Democrats overreach with their newly minted supermajorities in the Legislature, the newly drawn districts could quickly produce a change in the legislative make-up.
Munger said the new redistricting lines would have a moderating effect – not necessarily that “moderates” would be elected, but that representatives would be more in tune with their districts.
Munger had harsher words for the leadership of the Republican Party, whom he termed at times banal and thuggish. He argued that party leaders have waged a “civil war” against Republican legislators and donors, which has led to the “utter and total collapse” of the state Republican Party.
Despite serving as chairman of the Santa Clara Republican Party, Munger said he doesn’t see any credible Republican statewide candidates at the moment. Because of the top-two primary, another reform he supported, he said would be “delighted” if that meant another Democrat runs against Governor Jerry Brown in the next general election.
“Our role as Republicans for awhile will be to choose the best Democrat,” he predicted.