Last November, Californians risked their money on state government. Despite five years of closed businesses, lost jobs, and replacement jobs that pay far less, Californians trusted the state with more of their hard-earned money. With some of the highest tax rates in the nation, Governor Jerry Brown has declared California’s government is on the road to solvency.
Although there has been some welcome improvement in a few sectors of the economy — the Silicon Valley and a handful of narrowly targeted “green technology” firms, most of the two million Californians who lost their jobs during the Great Recession are still struggling just to catch up and regain what they lost. Despite Democrats’ much publicized commitments to “streamline” bureaucracy and reduce government red tape, the simple truth is that California’s business climate is still rated as the worst among all 50 states.
With the recent $50 billion in higher taxes and a more manageable budget, Sacramento politicians were given an opportunity to get our economy back on track. Now, it is time to actually do the job.
Real regulatory reform and a welcoming business climate are what California needs to spur true job growth. Jobs are what we need to return California families to financial stability and our communities to the economic growth necessary to keep businesses in California.
Enough bickering with Rick Perry, it’s time to start creating jobs here in California instead of continuing government policies that place California as the worst state for business.
Senator Huff serves as the Senate Republican Leader and represents the 29th Senate District covering portions of Los Angeles, Orange and San Bernardino Counties. You can follow Senator Huff: @bobhuff99