The buzz created by Los Angeles City Council president Herb Wesson’s endorsement of AG Kamala Harris for U. S. Senate was a big “get” because Wesson was known as an ally of former LA Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa who is considering jumping into the Senate race. Astute political observer, Dan Schnur of USC’s Jesse Unruh Institute tweeted that the endorsement was a big deal because it cut into Villaraigosa’s Southern California base.

Naturally Harris and her campaign team are doing all they can to clear the field of big time opponents so that she can have clear sailing to a top spot in the primary and a victory in the general election.

However, in a state of 38 million people we shouldn’t have major political contests that feature only one viable candidate. Here’s hoping that “Clear the Field” doesn’t succeed.

This hope is not so much anti-Harris at this juncture as it is anti-competition for an important political office. There should be a tussle for the seat in a hotly contested campaign so issues can be examined and personalities revealed. Debates over issues should have meaning and import.

Villaraigosa still may get into the senate race. L.A. Times columnist George Skelton touted his positives as a candidate, yesterday.

Over the weekend, Adam Schiff told me he is still thinking about it. So, we are told, are Congress members Loretta Sanchez and Xavier Beccera. Republicans must also present credible, strong candidates. Only with a multi-candidate field will the voters get a feel for the candidate they want to represent them.

Frankly, I hope many viable candidates jump into the arena. Voters should have choices.

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