LA Times Exposé Will Test Community College Election
The Los Angeles Times completed an exhaustive six-part
series yesterday on the Los Angeles Community College system, which charged
that out of billions in bond money "tens of millions of dollars have gone to
waste because of poor planning, frivolous spending and shoddy workmanship." Ironically,
some members of the community college board of trustees are running for
re-election in Tuesday’s election.
While little attention is spent on races such as the
community college board, the Times articles should open the eyes of the
property taxpayers who back the bonds and pay for the waste mentioned in the
Board of trustee candidates for re-election are filling
mailboxes with campaign literature, one even boldly claiming that he "fights to
protect taxpayers."
Neo-Feudalism in California
From the beginning, California promised much. While yet barely a name on the map, it entered American awareness as a symbol of renewal. It was a final frontier: of geography and of expectation. —Kevin Starr, Americans and the California Dream: 1850–1915 In the eyes of both those who live here and those who come to observe, […]
The Jobs Initiative – Suspend AB32
When Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger signed AB32 [assembly bill 32] in 2006, California’s unemployment rate was a modest 4.8%. This past Friday we learned that it now stands at 12.5%.
AB32 requires a massive reordering of our state’s economy and massive tax increases to pay for these shifts. It includes a provision for it to be suspended if our state faces economic hardships, and that time has come.
The governor refuses to order a suspension, so I have teamed up with Ted Costa of People’s Advocate and Congressman Tom McClintock to give the people of California an opportunity to make this important decision.
On November 25, 2009, we submitted the California Jobs Initiative to the Attorney General for title & summary. We will begin gathering signatures to qualify this measure for the November 2010 ballot in mid-January. If you would like to help, go to