California Citizens Against Lawsuit Abuse (CALA) released a survey of California voters on their attitudes toward jobs and the economy. The responses clearly illustrate that Californians are very concerned about the economic future of their families and the state, and they believe lawsuits are part of the problem.

According to the survey, California’s voters want the legislature to enact legal reforms that will attract and retain businesses and create jobs.

This survey proves what most of us already know – now is not the time to place further economic strain on anyone, whether they be businesses, consumers or families. When our state has become such a hostile place to do business that other states are aggressively targeting California businesses to relocate, the time for change has come.

Californians are fed up and demanding reform. Some of the key concerns found in CALA’s survey include:

• 92% are concerned with the economic future of California and 76% are concerned about the economic future of their own family.

• 81% report that local businesses have laid employees off during the recent economic crisis and 82% say local businesses have closed.

• In general, 55% think the state has too many lawsuits 94% feel it is important for the legislature to enact reforms to help attract more jobs to California and retain the jobs currently in the state.

• 71% believe the number of lawsuits filed against businesses in California hurts California’s economy. 56% believe that lawsuits are costing Californians their jobs.

• 60% believe lawsuit reforms will make it easier for California to keep businesses in the state. 62% think lawsuit reforms will make it easier for California to attract new businesses to the state.

Excessive litigation raises the prices of goods and services and can lead to businesses closing, relocating or laying off staff. We must make a choice. We can have more lawsuits, or more jobs, but not both.