The California Legislature has the opportunity this week to quench the thirst of the public for leadership from Sacramento by passing the most significant water reform legislation in the past 50 years. Not only would this be landmark legislation for our state, it would demonstrate that bipartisan work can be done in our state capitol.

Late last night, the State Senate passed legislation that would create a new governance model for managing the Sacramento-San Joaquin River Delta, increase water conversation goals for the state and fund major water-related infrastructure projects through a nearly $10 billion bond package. Two other bills that would increase penalties for illegally diverting water and require local agencies to monitor underground water levels fell short of passage, but are expected to come back up today.

Since the entire package of bills must pass in order for any of the individual bills to go into effect, legislative leaders are working furiously today to approve the remaining two bills on the Senate side and then secure passage in the Assembly. This is heavy lifting, but there is a unique level of resolve by both Republicans and Democrats to get this package approved. That’s a good sign for California.

For Southern California businesses and residents, the importance of this legislation cannot be overstated. Water is the region’s economic lifeblood and vital to our quality of life. Unfortunately, we are living and working on borrowed time. The aging Delta infrastructure and decades-old water regulations simply cannot accommodate the California of today, let alone the vibrant economy we seek to build for tomorrow.

The Legislature is almost there. We hope you will help show your support for this comprehensive water package by taking action today. And should the Legislature succeed in completing this effort, then let’s all tip a glass of water in kudos to a job well done.