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Republican gubernatorial candidate Meg Whitman has stated that she
believes the ‘bullet to the brain train’ is too costly for California’s
fiscal crisis, and that it has no evidence of adequate ‘ROI’
for California’s tax payers’ investment.

She’s right and she has respected bi-patisan backing.

University of California, Berkeley, researchers issued an analysis
contending the state High-Speed Rail Authority’s ridership projections
suffer from statistical modeling flaws, and may not reflect real
ridership numbers.

And the cost of ridership from San Francisco to Los Angeles is no
longer competitive with commercial airliners. A one-way ticket on the
bullet train is projected to cost over $110. The same leg through air
has discounted rates of $78 presently.

The simple rules of ‘supply and demand’ call the bullet train a
failure; for government, that doesn’t matter. Whenever you can add
union, government jobs you do it – to the rules of economics and the
burden of the private sector be damned.

After Meg Whitman’s intellectual economical conclusion the unions were flabbergasted.

Art Pulanski, the Executive Secretary and  Treasurer of the California
Labor Federation, referenced Meg’s statement by saying shows how
dangerously out of touch she is with the economic realities facing so
many California families.

"In her glossy TV ads, Whitman says she understands the daily hardships
facing our state’s unemployed, but it’s clear that’s just more campaign
rhetoric. In opposing high-speed rail, she’s shown her true colors on
jobs. California’s high-speed rail project is precisely the kind of
spark our state’s economy needs. Not only would it create good-paying
jobs up and down the state, it has the potential to bring manufacturing
back to California," championed Pulanski.

The unions have forgotten everything they learned in Economics 101; or
have they? Who said they actually took such a course in the first place.

Another point for Meg Whitman; and the silence from Jerry Brown is deafening.