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I saw that Jerry Brown on Tuesday night when he said that he would oppose suspending AB32, the state greenhouse-gas law about to go into effect. "You create uncertainty," Brown explained. "You create doubt for investors."

I think Whitman had it right when she argued for a suspension of the measure in light of the state’s 12.4 percent unemployment rate. Whitman explained, "It’s not fair to the employees in manufacturing, trucking, packaging, all the other industries, to drive those jobs out of state." Amen.

Referring to the AB32’s mandate for the California Air Resources Board to set a "low carbon-fuel standard," bike-lane Brown declared, "My god, they’re going to use less oil in California. You bet. We’re going to use more California sun and more California wind, and we’ll get it done."

He forgets how Sacramento works. Last week, The Chronicle’s Wyatt Buchanan reported on CARB’s gross miscalculations – overestimated diesel emissions by 340 percent – that could cost California industry $10 billion to $12 billion.