Be it real or be it perception, the GOP’s perceived anti-immigrant (and especially anti-Hispanic) stance is losing (has lost) the minority vote in this state. The vociferous conservative element that puts essentially all blame for our problems on illegal immigrants projects itself as the GOP.
Some of the most popular right wing talk show hosts build their loyal (essentially all white) following with their Jihad against illegal Hispanics (mainly Mexicans).
Say what you will — this is PERCEIVED as anti-Hispanic. ALL Hispanics.
Here’s a test — if we decided to reduce our illegal immigrant problem by quadrupling the number of legal immigrants we allowed, would that placate the group that rails against the Hispanics currently breaking the law by illegally entering our country? After all, now they would be legal.
No, the immigrant bashing would continue. The real hostility is against Hispanic migrants — legal AND illegal.
I don’t think this public perception of the GOP is going to change. Certainly the Democrats will continue to build this anti-minority GOP image.
So I don’t expect the GOP to retake California for at least a decade — and maybe not ever.
But all is not lost. As Reed pointed out, we still have the initiative process. While tribal loyalty (and tribal animosity) will drive partisan elections, many of the people who dislike the GOP will support GOP ideas if presented as issues on the ballot.
Hence the conservatives (well, the limited government supporters) should be seeking to put restrictions on government, using this populist tool.
Yes, initiatives are DEFINITELY a two edged sword. So we need to make sure OUR edge does the cutting.
We need “paycheck protection” to dramatically reduce public employee labor union dominance of California politics.
We need to put “school choice” on the ballot EVERY election. Either we win, or the other side has to spend $30 million to win. And wither way, we get to change the debate on true education reform — an issue that should resonate with minority voters.
There are other props we need — pension reform, mandatory true “managed competition,” and ideally the banning of public employee labor unions all together.
Yes, the GOP will soldier on in the partisan elections. It’s the job of a political party.
But my emphasis has been and will continue to be the proposition route — coupled with efforts in the NONpartisan local races.