It wasn’t an illusion. Last week, the presidents of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce and AFL-CIO appeared before Congress together — on the same side. U.S. Chamber President Tom Donahue and AFL-CIO President Richard Trumka became the "odd couple" at a Senate hearing on infrastructure. The two presidents jointly advocated for investment in "building roads, bridges, high-speed broadband, energy systems and schools." While they may differ on details, both leaders share the same goals — creating jobs and successfully competing in the global economy.

This week, the Los Angeles Area Chamber of Commerce and the L.A. County Federation of Labor testified before Congress toward the same goal. The same U.S. Senate committee held a field hearing in Los Angeles on Wednesday. We advocated for infrastructure funding to advance projects in L.A. County, especially the innovative 30/10 initiative. Our two organizations meet on a weekly basis with other stakeholders to push this transportation and jobs plan forward.

This effort to boost funding for transportation is not a stand-alone event. The Chamber and the L.A. County Federation of Labor have partnered to put a term limits reform initiative before California voters at the next election. Business and labor disagree on many issues in Sacramento, but we agree that our current term limits law promotes legislative musical chairs and stifles long-range planning.

We don’t need to sing Kumbaya on every issue. That’s not the goal. But by working together when we agree, it opens up a more honest dialogue when we disagree.

These partnerships between business and labor are important. Working together helps us leverage more resources and perspectives to modernize our nation’s infrastructure, create good-paying jobs and compete globally. Washington, D.C., Sacramento and Los Angeles will all benefit from these collaborative efforts.