The governor said, we need to fix the state’s fiscal
condition with half tax increases and half spending cuts. He wanted a tax
election in June.

The Republicans said NO. The Republicans said they made a
pledge not to raise taxes.

The governor said they should not stick to the pledge.

The governor said he would negotiate with some Republicans
to put reform measures on the ballot along with taxes.

The Republicans offered an initial list of 53 variations of

The governor said NO.

The Democrats and public unions said the people should just vote
on tax extensions.

Polls came out and said the tax measures would probably

The Republicans said let’s vote on taxes and reforms.

The Democrats and public unions said NO.

The Democrats and unions said the people didn’t need to vote
on taxes, that’s the legislature’s job.

The governor said that he made a pledge that the people
would vote on taxes.

The Democrats and unions said the governor should not stick
to his pledge.

The governor said the election could be in September. He
said he needed "bridge" taxes to get to the election.

The Republicans said NO.

The controller said if a balanced budget were not passed on
time, under Prop 25 he would dock the legislators’ pay.

The Democrats passed a budget full of gimmicks and
questionable taxes.

The governor said NO.

Will the legislators get paid? The controller said, he
doesn’t know…yet.

The Howard Jarvis Taxpayers Association said if the answer
is Yes, it would sue.

The senate pro tem said the senate would not act on the
governor’s appointments.

The governor said, that’s okay.

A poll asked the public if the state was on the right track
and if the legislators are doing good jobs.

The people said: NO and NO.

The governor says if he can’t change the situation, he and
the Democrats and the unions will take their agenda to the people with

The Republicans and segments of the business community said,
us, too.

How to get to a war of all against all?

Everyone said NO.