The outlook for the tourism industry is bright and will shine even brighter as visitor spending continues to boom.
Thanks to a recent executive order by the Obama Administration, California is expected to realize $140 billion of the estimated $850 billion in additional revenue that traveler spending will bring to the U.S. through the new federal plan for quicker visa processing.
This announcement came just in time for Visit California’s annual Outlook Forum, where tourism influencers from around the globe traveled to Sacramento putting the spotlight on California – the U.S.’s number one travel destination. Last year alone the industry injected more than $100 billion dollars into the economy.
Tourism’s importance to the U.S. economy cannot be overstated. With the White House’s focus on visa processing and waivers for some international visitors, the use of social media by travelers and continued growth of the tourism industry, leaders from around the world are realizing that our business is the real deal.
At Outlook Forum, Visit California, along with other industry leaders, demonstrated the health and strength of California’s tourism industry and why travel matters to the state and local communities’ economies.
The event also allowed companies and destination marketing organizations the unique opportunity to connect directly with Visit California’s marketing directors who represent California in Australia, Germany, Japan, the United Kingdom, Mexico, South Korea, China and India. Through this global network, Visit California brings the California lifestyle and experience to potential travelers worldwide.
California is ready to welcome the sea of international tourists. We are open for business!