My initial reaction to the AP’s story showing that Gov. Jerry Brown got state oil and gas regulators “to research, map, and report back” on the potential of his family’s private land for future oil and gas activity was too harsh. I thought: here’s a guy who has failed to make government more responsive to citizens, perhaps because it jumps to attention for his own private needs.
I’d like to take that back, and suggest a more positive reaction: Gov. Brown was just trying to show how responsive government could be. Indeed, according to the AP, it took two days for the regulators to give Brown “a 51-page historical report and geological assessment, plus a personalized satellite-imaged geological and oil and gas drilling map.”
And in defending the governor from criticism, his aides have said that he was merely doing what any citizen does – seeking public information – and getting what citizens get – that information.
My new reaction: That’s wonderful. So why doesn’t the Brown administration prove it – and start responding to public information requests with the same speed and thorough product that characterized this response to the governor. Since we now know they’re capable of such service.
In fact, it’s time to turn this particular action of Brown into a new Brown Act (and yes yes, I know older readers, before you write to instruct me, that the first Brown act involved a different, unrelated Brown).
Every Californian who requests information from regulators would get the same level of service that Brown got. A 48-hour turnaround, with the best work product possible.
Think of how this would transform the state. It would force more agencies to put more robust materials online in accessible ways. And it would make California a leader.
And it would be an enormous improvement. These days, I find it hard to get press spokespeople in the Brown administration to reply to emails or calls within 48 hours.
But I’m not the governor.