The key to California’s U.S. Senate race just may be Democratic voters who rally to the idea of electing the first woman president also wanting to set another first by voting into office the first Latina United States Senator.
Despite Attorney General Kamala Harris decisive primary victory over second place finisher Congresswoman Loretta Sanchez, the dynamics of the General Election could prove different. With no Republican in the race, many GOP voters might ignore the senate race as the new Field Poll indicated. However, the recent endorsement of well-known Republican media personality Hugh Hewitt along with the endorsement of former Los Angeles mayor Richard Riordan could signal a movement of Republicans to Sanchez’s corner.
Sanchez hopes to collect a large Latino vote on Election Day, with the expectation that Latino voting will spike in response to Donald Trump’s harsh rhetoric.
Sanchez might hope to receive business support given that the business community is not a fan of Harris, but business will probably not take the plunge on the Sanchez candidacy if the business community believes Harris is a likely winner.
The combination of Republican voters and significant Latino voters backing Sanchez won’t be enough to get her across the finish line ahead of Harris.
What Sanchez needs is true blue Democratic voters who embrace the idea of changing history by electing a woman president and also want to make more history by putting the first Latina senator in office.
Harris, of course, can point to her own “first” as the daughter of an Indian mother and Jamaican American father.
Still, in the heavy Latino voter state, Sanchez’s argument might have more power. Hillary Clinton adopted the slogan “Making History.” Don’t’ be surprised if Loretta Sanchez adopts the same slogan.