Listening to political speeches and talking heads around the national party conventions I get the feeling I have fallen through to DC Comics Bizarro World where everything is weirdly opposite of what one would expect. The conventions and their fallout have presented topsy-turvy politics.
It is Trump now, not Obama as before, who is basically calling for a “reset” of the relationship with Russia. It is the Democrats, not the Republicans, who are speaking of American exceptionalism, that America is a great country. It is the Democrats speaking about a strong international defense, keeping durable ties with NATO. Not so Trump.
Even with trade, there is a seeming reversal of order. Trump is for tariffs and “tougher” trade deals, not a Republican standard. Many Democrats make similar expressions, but suspicion abounds since Hillary Clinton pal, Virginia Governor Terry McAuliffe, made an off-handed comment that Clinton would eventually go along with the Trans Pacific Partnership.
While the seemingly altered universe can be confusing to the casual observer, in my view, the political point that very well could tip the scales for voters is not an argument you hear often from both sides.
When a Republican raises concerns to colleagues about voting for Trump he or she is quickly reminded about the importance of the Supreme Court and the president’s ability to appoint agenda-setting justices. This is not an exclusive Republican argument. You will hear the Supreme Court argument from Democrats as well.
But ultimately, before importance of Supreme Court appointments is weighed, there is the paramount concern about security and America’s power.
Trump asserts his resolve to crush ISIS, deal with terrorism at home and abroad, and bring law and order to the country and the world. Clinton argues that Trump doesn’t have the temperament to control nuclear weapons and command the military considering his compliments directed at authoritarian world leaders and his ideas involving allies such as his NATO stance.
As voters work through changed positions and find the familiar old arguments wearing new blue or red clothes, it is the issue of American security and who best can manage it that will guide a lot of voters come election day.