817 bills were introduced in the Senate in 2017.
Of those, 514 bills were passed by the Senate, while only 3 were refused passage on the Senate Floor. That leaves 303 bills as 2-year measures which may be considered in January 2018. So, 63% of introduced bills passed out of the Senate, while .4% of introduced bills failed passage on the Senate Floor.
In terms of authors and bills, the most bills were introduced by Senator Lara with 29. Galgiani introduced 28; Hill had 26; and five senators introduced 24 bills each (Bradford, Glazer, Leyva, Nguyen, and Portantino). On the other end of the spectrum, Senators Gaines and Mitchell introduced only 9 bills each. Vidak introduced 12.
In terms of bills being considered by standing committees, the committees with the highest number of original committee references were: Education (166 bills), Public Safety (146), and Transportation & Housing (140). The committees with the lowest number of original committee references were: Agriculture (17), Insurance (19), and Veterans Affairs (19).
1,733 bills were introduced in the Assembly in 2017.
Of those, 970 bills were passed by the Assembly, while only 9 were refused passage on the Assembly Floor. That leaves 763 bills as 2-year measures which may be considered in January 2018. So, 56% of introduced bills passed out of the Assembly, while just .5% of introduced bills failed passage on the Assembly Floor.
In terms of authors and bills, the most bills were introduced by Assembly Member Ting with 78 (but that number includes the budget trailer bills).
Thereafter, Bloom introduced 32 bills; Quirk-Silva introduced 31; Levine introduced 30; and, four Assembly Members introduced 29 bills each (Caballero, Frazier, Gipson, and Gonzalez Fletcher). On the other end of the spectrum, Speaker Rendon did not introduce any bills (and only 4 resolutions), and Mayes introduced just 5 bills.
In terms of bills being considered by standing committees, the committees with the highest number of original committee references were: Public Safety (195 bills), Health (147), Education (140), and Judiciary (133). The committees with the lowest number of original committee references were: AESTIM (9), Aging (12), Communications (13), and Banking (18).