For years, anti-fracking activists (“fractivists”) and Hollywood celebrities have made unfounded claims about fracking with no consequence or regard for scientific facts. The fact that oil and gas fuel their jet-setting and yachting lifestyles is apparently lost on them, too. To dispel these rumors and keep fractivists’ false claims in check, the pro-energy grassroots group FrackFeed has launched a new fact checking initiative called FractCheck.
At, popular claims about fracking will be judged on a rating scale, based upon how true or false they are determined to be. This includes claims from Leonardo Di Caprio, Mark Ruffalo, California Governor Jerry Brown and President Donald Trump. Claims from former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and U.S. Senator Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) are also “fract checked.”
California is the third largest oil producer in the country, and thanks to fracking, the United States has recently become an energy powerhouse. Environmentalists in California continue to mislead the public about fracking, using junk science instead of real science. It should go without saying, but people need to tell the truth about fracking. In order to restore some semblance of order to the debate, will hold people accountable – irrespective of political party – when they make broad proclamations about fracking.
NOTE: will not consider Oscar nominations or the use of private jets as bona fides on oil and natural gas issues.