Who cares about about the homeless whose encampments – call them Jerry-towns – fill every state?
Because don’t the homeless know that our state is back!
We have a budget surplus!
Who cares about the shortage of housing, or the middle-class crippling cost of what housing there is?
California is back! We have a budget surplus!
Who cares that California is not producing enough college graduates? Or that the cost of attending our public universities is soaring? Or that more California young people are going out of state for college?
California is back! We have a budget surplus!
Who cares that California has the highest poverty rate when adjusted for cost of living? Or that poverty is epidemic about California children?
California is back! We have a budget surplus!
And who cares about all the cuts in our school district budgets even as the economy expands? Who cares that pension and retiree benefits are taking money away from today’s teachers and today’s students?
Only a few declinists and journalists and pointy heads care about any of this. Get with the program and celebrate.
California is back! We have a budget surplus!