Much has been written the last few days about the Census question on citizenship—how it might affect the counts that determine political representation and federal funds sent to jurisdictions. However, there is another interest concerned if the Census count produces inaccurate results because of the citizenship question–the business community.
California Attorney General Xavier Becerra and former U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder want to sue the federal government over including the citizenship question. Since the undercounts would likely involve non-citizens in urban areas, representation in those areas could be diminished. Obviously, politics are wrapped up in all this and Democrats fear fewer representatives. Money is also at issue, as well, with the Korean American Coalition of Los Angeles estimating that one person omitted from the census results in a loss of $1500 in federal funds from their community.
But as Rice University sociology professor and former Census Director under President George W. Bush points out that while states like California and Texas might have fewer representatives than the actual number of people that their population requires because non-citizens refuse to be counted, he also noted that census numbers are used by businesses to determine where to place facilities to meet consumer needs.
Incorrect census numbers could affect businesses bottom lines.
Indiana University’s Business Research Center at the school’s Kelley School of Business put it this way: “If your company buys, or perhaps even does its own, market research, chances are that the basis of that research is census data. Few surveys get even close to the quantity or quality of data produced from the census.”
The Research Center stated that the census “tells us how many people live in a given area. It describes their living arrangements, ages, income, educational attainment, commuting patterns and occupations. It even describes the kinds of homes people have, in terms of age of home, number of rooms, value, whether it has complete kitchen and plumbing facilities, the availability of telephones and automobiles and the type of home-heating fuel used.”
Business uses this information to plot marketing strategies.
All of which begs the question: In order to get the most accurate information possible to assist businesses will the U.S. Chamber of Commerce and some state chambers of commerce join in the law suits filed against the inclusion of the citizenship question? It could happen. A number of business associations have been at odds with the Trump Administration over immigration and trade issues. Weighing in on the legal battle over the citizenship question would not be a stretch.