In the post-Jerry Brown era, how will the desire of many legislators to raise taxes be met?

This issue must be considered when looking at the California Chamber of Commerce’s list of Job Killer bills, which includes seven measures that would, if they became law, either directly raise taxes or make it easier to raise taxes. The list covers income taxes, corporate taxes, service taxes, sales taxes, and two bills to lower the voting mark to pass local taxes for varying purposes including housing, infrastructure and transportation. While the Chamber acknowledges that there is no movement on these bills, they can be revived at any time.

Jerry Brown has not been averse to raising taxes. Witness not only his leading the campaign to pass the Proposition 30 income tax increase (and his conspicuous absence during the campaign to extend those taxes with Prop 55 after promising that the Prop 30 taxes would be temporary), but his recent call for a 911 emergency system tax even as he is about to leave office.

At the same time, Brown has kept a relative tight rein on spending, at least in comparison to the wishes of many of his fellow Democrats in the legislature and the interest groups that plead for more tax dollars.

Many legislators think that the solution to solving state problems is to throw money at them. In certain cases, interests that benefit when the government has money to dole out in salaries or grants urge legislators on.

The question for taxpayers is why in the face of a booming economy and near-historic budget surpluses is the legislature talking about taxes at all? It seems to be in the nature of the beast. One wonders what happens to the tax increase refrain under a new administration with a possible stronger Democratic hand in the legislature.

According to the California Taxpayers Association, California currently has the highest in the nation state sales tax, the second highest in the nation gasoline tax, the highest in the nation personal income tax, the highest in the Western U.S. corporate income tax, and even under Proposition 13, high property taxes.

Yet, legislators offer more proposals.

With Brown out of the governor’s office a push for tax increases will continue and probably speed up.

If Republican John Cox surprises the experts and wins the governor’s race, given his clear stand on the gas tax repeal, he will chill any tax increase efforts.

What will Gavin do? That mantra will be repeated many times on many major issues as Lt. Gov. Gavin Newsom campaigns for governor. Given some of the positions on the left Newsom has staked out, tax increase interests are undoubtedly looking forward to an opportunity to make their case to Newsom once Brown is out of office.

In the meantime, from the CalChamber website here are the tax increase measures the Chamber classifies as Job Killers.