Forward Observer and Klink Campaigns developed the 2018 California Initiative Editorial Scorecard to keep track of editorials for and against the 11 statewide initiatives on this November’s ballot. We will update the scorecard weekly with ballot measure endorsements (pro and con) from the top 20 California newspapers by circulation. The sixth edition of the California Initiative Editorial Scorecard is based on 173 editorials thus far.
The following excerpts are from endorsement editorials that appeared online or in print since our last edition:
Proposition 1
Desert Sun – Yes
“We believe the desert area would benefit greatly from this measure, which the Legislative Analyst’s Office estimates could result in the building of 30,000 new units for low-income families and 7,500 for farmworkers.” Link
Proposition 2
Desert Sun – Yes
“We endorsed the No Place Like Home Program idea when it was drawn up by the Legislature. Proposition 2 and its funding of housing for the mentally ill homeless is in line with the goal of the original purpose of 2004’s Proposition 63 income tax surcharge, which was to better the lot of the mentally ill. Getting them off the street is a key piece in that equation.” Link
Proposition 5
Desert Sun – No
“Allowing one segment of society that is “house-rich” unlimited opportunities to “ladder up” their properties while keeping their tax base artificially low in subsequent transfers in today’s market will cut up to $1 billion from county tax receipts across California over time, the Legislative Analysts’ Office says. This will hurt everything from schools to emergency services.” Link
Proposition 10
Desert Sun – No
“This would serve as anything but an incentive to create new rental housing. Instead, the opposite effect is more likely, as those who might invest in rental properties rethink the wisdom in a market where a new rent-control board could dictate how much profit is “fair” while imposing yet unknown fees to cover this new oversight.” Link
Proposition 12
San Diego Union Tribune – No
“Any measure that claims to promote animal welfare is likely to be an easy sell with state voters. But Proposition 12 has a flaw that is serious enough that some animal welfare groups have split with the measure’s sponsor – the Humane Society – and come out against it.” Link