Several hundred people attended a rally and Yes on 6, Repeal the Gas Tax drive in East Pasadena on Wednesday afternoon. The vote of “Yes on 6” will repeal the gas tax which was earmarked for the repair of our roads, but is not actually all going to our roads. With a huge bright Yellow trailer with “Yes on 6” in royal blue lettering as the backdrop and attention getter, people drove through the parking lot at Robin’s Wood Fire BBQ and received free “Yes on 6” lawn Signs, bumper stickers, door hangars and election pins as they drove through.
Carl DeMaio, the Chairman of Reform California and “Yes on 6: Repeal the Gas Tax” was there to greet supporters and voters while also being interviewed on KABC 790 AM talk radio with Jillian Barberi and John Philips broadcasting live from 2-6 in the restaurant parking lot. KOGO 600 AM from San Diego was also doing a live broadcast, to get as much publicity and air time as possible in the remaining days leading up to the November 6 midterm election.
Some passersby stopped and enjoyed some hot sausages and tri tip as the lure of the delicious smoke filled the air and wafted around the crowd. Others drove to the site as a result of the radio show. The Yes on Prop 6 campaign seems to have a strong following of all sorts of people: Families stopped with their children, body conscious people working out at the gym walked over, restaurant servers, police officers, firemen, sheriffs, hardworking people, white collar, blue collar and no collar and retired people concerned about where their extra gas tax money is going, or not going in this case stopped to get information and “Yes on 6” signs.
For one hour, the crowd witnessed a group of 12 protestors with professional signs on wood stakes taunt and march with “No on 6” white signs with bold red lettering. As soon as the one hour work hour was finished, 3:00 p.m. on the dot, the protestors got in their cars and left. The “Yes on 6” supporters asked why the detractors would actually support the additional gas tax that was imposed last year. No intelligible answer came forth from the opposition and one opposition member said he was voting Yes on 6 but was paid to march with a No sign.
The “Yes on 6” supporters were dressed in their signature bright yellow shirts with royal blue lettering flashing their signs at the motorists as they drove by on Rosemead Boulevard below the Hastings Ranch area of Pasadena. It was amazing to see cars pull over to watch politics in action and participate and learn about the measures on the upcoming ballot and witness the radio stations airing live from fold up tables.
The bottom line on “Yes on Prop 6: Repeal the Gas Tax” is if you vote yes, you will save taxpayers money, nearly $800 a year for a typical family of 4. You want to vote YES on proposition 6 to repeal the Gas Tax.