It’s decision day for candidate and policy issues in California and many questions that have surfaced over the last few months will be decided by the voters, which will give us a good read where California stands, at least for the time being. What we are wondering about?
Will Proposition 13 stand up against a tide of new generational voters, heavily Democratic in loyalty, and withstand the changes offered by Proposition 15 commercial property tax changes?
In that vein of voters’ sentiment on taxation, will the surprising results of the March primary in which a large number of taxes and bonds on the local lever were rejected be repeated, or was the March result an aberration?
Taken as a whole, will Democrats enlarge their hold on the state legislature and if taxes are embraced by voters, will the newly constituted legislature feel the power to attempt additional tax increases in the coming session?
Can California Republicans rebound by capturing any of the seats lost two years ago in the state congressional delegation?
Will the summer of social justice protests and demands for legal changes to promote equality be affirmed by voters by undoing the ban on affirmation action with Proposition 16 or will be voters tell legislators to slow down?
Will the justice and equality theme be picked up through ballot measures Proposition 20 and 25? The former would reverse some criminal proceedings loosened under a progressive agenda for fewer prisoners; the latter, an effort to overturn legislative action to do away with cash bail.
The Los Angeles District Attorney race also falls into the tug-of-war over justice reform, with two-term incumbent Jackie Lacey attempting to fend off a well-financed progressive candidate in George Gascón. The race has national implications on the direction that criminal justice reform will take.
And, on the topic of national politics that would affect California, obviously the presidential result would have a great impact on California and its policies, but more specifically, how will the U.S. Senate races be decided? California’s budget makers are looking for help from Washington during this time of coronavirus fallout and which party takes the senate very well will determine if or how much California will receive in any future federal subsidies.
Monumental stakes all around. After months of bitter campaigning the voters have their say.