My Interview With Overreach

The address was for a small office in an Inland Empire retail development, which had been mostly empty since construction was finished in mid-2008. I knocked on the door and a secretary buzzed me in, and then led me to a big, well-appointed office. On the walls were a painting of Napoleon contemplating Russia and […]

The Way Back for GOP Runs Through the Schools

Memo to California Republicans, or at least those who will still admit to being Republicans. You’re failures. You’re irrelevant. You’re dead. And that’s just what other Republicans are saying about you. You’re also getting a ton of advice. And most of that advice is negative – in that it suggests that you need to stop […]

Great – A New Generation of Voters, as Clueless as the Last

Great! A Whole New Diverse Generation of California Voters… As Misinformed as the Last! They’re young. They’re hot. They’re ethnic. And they’re the toast of California politics. They are the new, emerging generation of ethnic voters. And they could change everything. Except they’re just as woefully misinformed as the last generation. Sorry to break up […]

5 Reasons Why Overreach Won’t Be a Problem

California’s political and media elites have discovered a new enemy against which they must fight, and its name is Overreach. The specific concern is that Democrats, newly empowered by a supermajority and a winning vote on Prop 30, will go too far. Tax too much. Spend too much. And above all attempt to fix too […]

Letter from Uruguay: Let Parties Put Initiatives, Referenda on the Ballot

Uruguay, where I’ve spent the past week, is a global leader in direct democracy. Referenda are very much a part of civic life, from the local level (these folks vote on stoplights) to the national level. And the initiative process for national constitutional amendments is used to settle big questions. So how is that different […]

God’s Open Letter to Jerry Brown

Pressed a few weeks back by a Los Angeles TV reporter about the use of state trucks for personal business by some employees at Caltrans, Gov. Jerry Brown said: “there are 300,000 employees in the state of California, and I’d like to watch over all of them, but I think only God can accomplish that.”  […]

Why Democratic Supermajority Could be Good for Reform

Dan Walters wrote recently that the Democratic supermajorities likely meant the end of reform. He very well could be proven right. But it also opens new options for reform. And the Democratic supermajority could be a big step forward for the broader constitutional redesign California needs – even if those supermajorities do nothing for reform. […]

My New Political Consultancy

A Prospectus Purpose of the new company: Very rich people, interests and foundations in California are spending unnecessary millions in losing California political campaigns. My new political consultancy, Lose For Less LLC, seeks to save millions for those millionaires and billionaires, and make their inevitable defeats at the ballot at once less costly and more […]

11 Awesome Props: Proposition 40

Editor’s Note: Frequent Fox and Hounds contributor, Joe Mathews, will give his unique perspective on all eleven November ballot measures over the course of the next month. He will take them in the order they appear on the ballot. The stakes are so high on Prop 40. The referendum is so important, in fact, that […]

11 Awesome Props: Proposition 39

Editor’s Note: Frequent Fox and Hounds contributor, Joe Mathews, will give his unique perspective on all eleven November ballot measures over the course of the next month. He will take them in the order they appear on the ballot. Proposition 39 is all about a very rare and good thing: the reversal of a policy […]