Kamala Harris Could Be Calling It Quits Before New Years.

California Senator Kamala Harris’s once very promising race to become president is likely to be ending soon. Barring a dramatic turnaround in her fund raising which has gone into steep decline, I’m guessing she will be forced to withdraw before the new year. Poll ratings rise and fall but presidential campaigns cannot survive without continuous […]

Californians In The Spotlight

America’s most popular fun game –Whack a Mole—continues with still more candidates lining up to take a swing at whichever opponents survive enroute to the illusive Democratic nomination which only one person will be able to claim. Poised to enter the race is Michael Bloomberg the former New York City Mayor and perhaps the wealthiest […]

Are We in a Permanent State of Fire Emergency?

Californians disagree about many things. But there seems to be one issue on which there is general consensus: The state cannot be allowed to continue catching fire! These raging conflagrations are indiscriminate killers throughout every area of the state and likely to become even more numerous, more perilous and more costly. Climate change and the […]

Rep. Adam Schiff Holds the Spotlight, But Should He be the GOP’s Main Worry?

Rep. Adam Schiff (D-Los Angeles) may be both greatly admired by his fellow Democrats and equally reviled by unwavering Republicans who see no reason to bow to his demands. Schiff stands at the center of an unenviable place in history where very few members of Congress have ever needed to go —-leading the charge to […]

As the Impeachment Proceedings go Forward Californians are in the Spotlight

History will always make heavier demands on the nation’s leaders at special moments and the question is will they be up to the task?  This is clearly one of those moments and at least three prominent Californians are shouldering responsibilities which puts them on the hot seat. More about that shortly. The march toward impeachment […]

President Trump’s Visit

When Air Force One deposited Donald Trump at Moffat Field in Mountain View the other day he was landing in enemy territory. And there were no peace offerings to be had.  In fact for fear of inciting demonstrations, his stealth visits to well-heeled supporters in four cities has been kept under tight wraps. There were […]

Climate Change May be Inevitable. Doing Little as Possible is Ludicrous

What does the rapid thawing of nine million square miles of Arctic ice, the immense devastation left behind by Hurricane Dorian, and the tiny light bulb have to do with one another? Perhaps more than you might suspect. And what connection do these things have to California’s perennially shorthanded battle to eliminate carbon emissions and […]

Climate Change and the Youth Vote

Not long ago, the terms “global warming” and “climate change” were not even part of our vernacular. Today few presidential candidates can get through a campaign speech without talking about them. They would be wise to do so. Most Millennials and their fast-rising “Gen Z” counterparts—roughly the age group 18-34—make it number one on their […]

Can We Stop the Violence

The national death toll from gun violence keeps mounting with 33 more killings now on the books. Once again angry, frustrated and frightened citizens everywhere are expressing moral outrage and ask one question: what are we going to do about it? And once again our president utters sanctimonious expressions of sympathy for the victims’ relatives […]