Infrastructure Report Card: The Continued Importance of Conventional Fuels

The American Society of Civil Engineers recognized oil as an element of “infrastructure” in California in its 2016 Infrastructure Report Card. That report card clearly documents the fact that there are no easy answers to our complex energy and transportation challenges for the future. Fossil fuel permeates every aspect of our daily lives. It has driven an […]

Position of Power

Energy permeates every aspect of our daily lives. It has driven an exponential increase in human numbers and civilization from the horse-and-buggy days. It enables us to easily get to work, school and medical facilities as well as the freedom to travel for family and recreational purposes. It supports the quality of life Californians take for granted. […]

Fuel Mandates Will Drive Costs

According to many barometers, the California economy is recovering. Our challenge now is to ensure that we address our challenges logically, to keep the economy robust. One of those challenges comes in the form of climate change policies currently being considered by the California Legislature. The “emissions crusade” that started in 2006 when AB32 the […]

Proposed Oil Tax on the Wrong Side of Legislative History

There they go again.  Despite repeated defeats in the state legislature and at the ballot box, the tax-and-spenders are once more attempting to damage California’s economy and kill California jobs with an oil extraction tax, also known as a severance tax. SB 241 (Evans) is pretty much a re-run of previous failed bills and ballot […]