When the Black Panthers Lobbied For ‘Open Carry’ Laws

In 1966, it was legal to openly carry loaded firearms in the state of California—a legacy of the Gold Rush. In Jackson, a Sierra foothills town that retained the flavor of that era, one state senator was often seen wearing a holstered pistol. But just a year later, the state legislature abolished open carry. It […]

Second Place in Gov. Race Still Up for Grabs Despite Newt’s Assessment

Republicans are having a hard time making a case that they still matter in California. One such effort was last week’s op-ed piece by Newt Gingrich for Fox News: “[Republican] John Cox has “great potential… to win the governorship seven months from now.” The Cox campaign has circulated the Gingrich assessment, ramping it up even more: […]

Here’s A Protest You Can’t Do Anymore

Long time television, radio and print journalist, host of To the Point podcast and two time winner of the Los Angeles Society of Professional Journalists Distinguished Journalist Award. On a warm summer evening in 1954, my high school classmate Gerry and I walked up to the steel fence topped by tall bronze spears that surrounded the Eisenhower […]