Let’s Not Pick and Choose Which Seniors Have Access to Quality Health Care

Protecting our seniors is the right thing to do from both a health care and economic perspective. That is why Republicans and Democrats are working together to reverse Medi-Cal cuts to hospital-based skilled-nursing facilities. Here’s some background and history demonstrating why we must act.  Skilled-nursing care tied to hospitals is different from that of a […]

Latest Audit Report Proves Mismanagement Continues at Caltrans

The latest troubling audit report released two weeks ago unveiled yet again gross mismanagement and irresponsibility at the California Department of Transportation (CalTrans).  This report follows three years of scathing audit reports and media stories that Governor Brown and the Democratic super-majority have ignored. The latest report sheds light on Caltrans employees falsifying data of […]

Democrats Derail Their Own AB 32

We all know about roads paved with good intentions.  Here’s another old saying: power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely.  These adages are taking on brand new relevance these days thanks to our Democrat-dominated state government, which is using its single-party rule to undermine its own well-intentioned law. The case at hand is the 2006 […]

Fix Death Penalty, Don’t End It

The death penalty process in California is broken. Opponents of the death penalty claim that abolishing the death penalty and replacing it with a lifetime prison term will save California money while adequately punishing those convicted of committing society’s most heinous crimes. Common sense substantiates none of these claims.  How much money will be saved […]

IOU Proposal a Test of California’s Creditworthiness

California is broke … financially fried. The Golden State has spent every last dime it has, and more. Spending has out paced revenues for so long the state simply doesn’t have the cash to pay its debts. The State Controller could begin issuing IOUs in the very near future. And California will go from the frying pan to the fire.

Instead of cashable checks, the state will send its creditors registered warrants (A.K.A. “IOUs”) stating that California owes them money and will pay at some later date.

That means that hospitals, doctors, nurses, dentists, technicians, construction companies, laborers, school districts, counties, cities… every person, business and organization that is owed money from the state will be forced to take an IOU and find some other way to pay their own bills.

State law requires your business to accept the IOU as full payment and as such you will have to pay taxes on the income just as if you had been paid in real money!