Was the Last Redistricting Fair?

California’s Citizen Redistricting Commission is kicking off its second redistricting of California’s 120 state legislative, 53 congressional (the most of any state), and the four State Board of Equalization districts. This is an apt time to recall Communist Dictator Joseph Stalin’s words: it is not who votes but who counts the votes that matter. Californians […]

Brown’s Judges

Rarely do you read a devastatingly funny yet as serious a
political book as Gov. Jerry Brown’s Destruction of the California

While the title seems like a reach, by the time
you’ve read about judges who grow pot in their home, chauffeured
murderers, violated court orders and voted to overturn every murder
conviction that came before them, you will ask yourself where Governor
Brown found so many of these fruitcakes.   The book anticipates and
answers that question and includes the perspectives of Democrats like
Senator Alfred Alquist that Brown "seems to have gone out of his way to
appoint people who are extremely controversial."

It’s easy to
see why former Governor Pete Wilson, past California District
Attorneys’  Association President Ed Jagels, Senator Tony Strickland,
and Assemblyman Jim Nielsen all praise the book.