California has been hit by two terrorists who caused multiple deaths and injuries. So what was the response of our media and political elites when this happened on Wednesday: hysteria over gun laws.
From the beginning it was clear San Bernardino was not just another nut case shooting; the terrorists were dressed military style, they had bombs as well as guns, and a sophisticated plan to escape. One way or another they were well trained in terrorist techniques.
So how did California’s leading newspapers greet all this? “Another day, another massacre,” writes Los Angeles Times columnist Steve Lopez. “We’re reminded that no country in the world has the level of gun violence we do.” Not to be outdone, the Times lead editorial begins with: “Horror in San Bernardino: The U.S. infatuation with guns is bordering on a society-wide suicidal impulse.”
Up north, the Sacramento Bee editorial begins with: “San Bernardino shooting, shocking yet almost normal. No matter what you call it, the root of the problem is the same: America allows too many guns to fall into the hands of too many people who should not have them.”
Well, how about bombs and guns in the hands of terrorists; the Bee does not have much to say about that.
This Pollyannaish response extended to our political leaders as well. Gov Jerry Brown, so full of himself over saving the earth from a few more degrees of heat, had nothing to say about terrorism in his own statement. President Obama called for closing the gun show loophole.
Perhaps the President should be more focused on the terrorist visa loophole, since the Pakistani-born terrorist in San Bernardino came into this country on a “fiancé visa”.
Throughout Wednesday night and all day Thursday the facts have come out on the terrorist couple, showing that they were experts in al-Qaeda style bomb making, that the American-born male terrorist travelled extensively in the Middle East, had some contacts to people on federal terrorist watch lists, and that the attacks were carefully planned and expertly carried out.
Gun laws had nothing to do with them. It is like saying that if France just had stronger gun laws, the Paris attackers would have been deterred. The San Bernardino terrorists bought their guns legally, and this in California that has been passing gun control laws for almost 30 years. Lots of good they have done. When people are busy making pipe bombs in their apartment, somehow the gun show loophole seems pretty minor.
When the Republican Congress passed legislation to slow down the influx of Syrian refugees because they cannot be vetted to make sure terrorists have not infiltrated them, the California elite just pooh-poohed the threat and condemned the legislation. Well, now we have a terrorist allowed into this country from Pakistan, a known hotbed of terrorist training, and what do our elites have to say, let’s pass more gun laws.
For far too long, the attitude of the political and media elite in this state to the very real threat of terrorism has been nothing short of brain dead. Perhaps San Bernardino will be a wake-up call on the need for more visa and other controls at our borders. But I am not hopeful; Chicken Little hysteria about gun control is a much easier response.