(Editor’s note: A devoted fan of Wonder Woman, Billie Greer’s father believed his daughter and millions of women around the globe would continue the fight against injustice and inequality and together confront the evil powers in the world. As a reminder, Billie found a Wonder Woman comic book in her Christmas stocking each year from 1942 (the year that WW first appeared and Billie turned four years old) until her father’s death in 1997. She will be continuing the tradition with her great granddaughter soon to be born.)
Wonder Woman is amongst us and her power and spirit are needed now more than ever before as California legislators wrangle over several bills promoting gender pay parity in the workforce and officials on all levels weigh policy changes to advance equality for women and girls. If Wonder Woman prevails, and who doubts the power that radiates from her Amazonian bracelets, not only will opportunities for women be advanced, but the economy will be spurred, as well.
Women already play a vital role in our local economy. According to the Center for American Progress, working women in California contribute nearly $2.8 billion to the GDP per day. Yet, gender inequality in the workforce is holding women back to their detriment and that of the economy.
The LA Times reports that a McKinsey Global Institute study concludes that California could add 8% to the state’s annual GDP by working toward gender parity. Recruiting women into male-dominated occupations and encouraging upward mobility to help women reach new salary scales are key steps in reaching that goal.
From a national perspective, the McKinsey study finds that if all states in the U.S. match those states that have been making the fastest progress toward gender parity over the last decade, some $2.1 trillion of incremental GDP could be added by 2025. This equates to a 3.1 % growth rate, instead of the 2.3% rate which is the business-as-usual scenario.
A dynamic symbol of female empowerment, Wonder Woman is poised to bring her superhuman powers of strength, speed and divine wisdom to bear on Sacramento, given that gender disparities, both within and outside of the workplace in California, are still alive and kicking.
Despite California’s pay equity laws that are the toughest in the nation, women earn 86 cents for every $1 earned by men. The National Partnership for Women and Families indicates that if the annual wage gap of $7,222 were bridged – that additional income would provide 6 more months of rent, nearly 10 more months of child care or about one year’s worth of food for a family.
Several bills have been introduced this year to continue to address the gender pay gap, including a bill specifying that California’s pay equity laws, presently applied to the private sector, must also cover the public sector, given data showing a 21% pay differential between men and women who are state employees. Whether the legislature steps up remains to be seen.
One of the obstacles that prevent women from fully participating in the workforce is the lack of sufficient, affordable childcare. As the deadline for approval of the state’s budget nears, legislators are considering taking action to provide subsidized childcare to more low-income families. One proposal raises the income cap to qualify for childcare subsidies, given that it’s harder for poor families to keep child care benefits as the minimum wage rises.
So, Wonder Woman, head fast to Sacto and let loose your Lasso of Truth, forcing those caught in the loop to obey your every command. While you’re at it, could you also do something about affordable housing, criminal justice reform, and the homeless. And, then zero in on D.C. As an Amazonian warrior and super hero bad ass, you may be our only hope.