Excessive Government Regulations Are Strangling California Businesses

Picture this: an entrepreneur wants to open a yogurt shop.  She has a business plan, has secured the operating capital and has a location picked out for the new small business.  However, before she can hire employees and open her doors for business to sell her product and contribute to the local economy, a state […]

Three Issues Voters Should See on the Ballot

Increasingly, we live in an age of all-or-nothing politics.  Too often, lines are drawn in the sand as rigid ideological positions deny real opportunities for practical solutions to complex problems.  A stalled democratic system is frustrating and counterproductive to the health of the body politic. Currently we have an opportunity at hand to put forth […]

Republicans should act to place a Water Bond on this November’s ballot

Some have written on these pages against placing a proposed water bond on this November’s ballot. But any Republican interested in fostering and strengthening our state’s economy, business climate, and the quality of our drinking water needs to join me and place a comprehensive bond on this November’s ballot.

The bottom line is that our water crisis is real, and we need to get real about addressing it.

Even in the face of a daunting deficit, we can’t afford NOT to act on our water crisis immediately. Failure to act now could turn a crisis into a catastrophe. What are big problems today could become catastrophes tomorrow.

Water shortages have already forced farmers to let thousands of acres of crops die, resulting in millions in economic damages, thousands of lost jobs and less California-grown food that fuels our economy and feeds our families.