Some key Independent Expenditure Committees (IEs) have jumped into targeted Assembly races in attempt to influence their outcome come November.
The biggest player, thus far, is an IE titled Opportunity PAC, which is being funded by the CA Faculty Association ($350,000), CA State Council of Service Employees ($300,000), SEIU 1000 ($250,000), Political Action for Classified Employees of CA Schools ($400,000) and the CA Federation of Teachers ($100,000).
As of this writing, they have spent:
- $167,612 in support of Democrat ALYSON HUBER, an attorney running in the 10th Assembly District (AD10) against Republican JACK SIEGLOCK, a former member of the San Joaquin County Board of Supervisors.
- $331,000 in support of Democrat JOAN BUCHANAN, a San Ramon Valley School Board member running in AD15 against Republican ABRAM WILSON, the mayor of San Ramon.
- $159,670 in support of Democrat MANUEL PEREZ, a Coachella Valley School Board member running in AD80 against Republican GARY JEANDRON, the former Chief of Police of Palm Springs.
Going on offense is an IE titled Faculty for Our University’s Future, which is funded totally by the California Faculty Association.
This IE spent their money to fund an early TV advertising campaign attacking Republican candidates in several races:
- $102,092 opposing JACK SIEGLOCK in AD10.
- $181,667 opposing Republican DANNY GILMORE, a former CA Highway Patrol Commander running in AD30 against Democrat FRAN FLOREZ, the mayor of Shafter and mother of state Senator Dean Florez.
- $74,417 opposing Republican JOHN McCANN, a Chula Vista councilmember running in AD78 against Democrat MARTY BLOCK, an attorney.
- $64,250 opposing GARY JEANDRON in AD80.
An IE funded by the Service Employees International Union (SEIU) Local 1000, ($200,000), which represents public employees, has thus far spent $95,495 in support of ALYSON HUBER in AD10.
With the sole exception of AD30, currently represented by Democrat Nicole Parra, all this IE activity is in support of Democrats or opposition to Republicans who are running in districts currently held by a Republican incumbent and are open seats due to term limits.
Not that there is no IEs actively working to help the GOP hold on to these seats.
The biggest player thus far is an IE funded by California Dental Association ($350,000) that has thus far spent $164,394 in support of JOHN McCANN in AD78, while spending an additional $37,541 in opposition to McCann’s Democratic opponent, MARTY BLOCK. Expect much more to come on this front.
An IE titled Farmers and Legal Reformers for a Stronger Economy, which is funded by agribusiness, insurance and real estate interests, spent $102,637 in support of DANNY GILMORE in AD30. As stated above, this is the sole targeted assembly race that is currently held by a Democrat.
An IE funded by the California Medical Association ($100,000) has thus far spent $25,515 in support of Republican JACK SIEGLOCK in AD10 and $25,346 in support of Republican JOHN McCANN in AD78.
In AD26, an open seat currently held by Republican Greg Aghazarian (termed out this year and now running for state Senate), Democrats appear to have this race on their watch list. The California Democratic Party thus far has contributed about $100,000 to their nominee JOHN EISENHUT, a farmer and
agribusinessman. He is running against Republican BILL BERRYHILL, a farmer and brother of neighboring GOP Assembly Member Tom Berryhill. But as of this writing, no independent expenditure committee has become involved in this race.