Why Donald Trump Will Be The Republican Nominee

Donald Trump will be the Republican nominee for president. The last gasp in the long and brutal fight to stop Trump will be June’s California Republican primary, but it will fail. Trump will be the nominee because Trump is today’s Republican Party. America has changed greatly in the past 40 years. The middle class, the […]

The Terrorist Massacre: A Dismal Response by Politicians and the Press

California has been hit by two terrorists who caused multiple deaths and injuries.  So what was the response of our media and political elites when this happened on Wednesday: hysteria over gun laws. From the beginning it was clear San Bernardino was not just another nut case shooting; the terrorists were dressed military style, they had […]

Ted Cruz Cannot Be President: Take Him Off The Ballot

Secretary of State Alex Padilla should not list Texas Sen. Ted Cruz as a Republican candidate in the presidential primary because Sen. Cruz is not eligible to be President and to place him on the ballot would violate the United States Constitution. The Constitution lists three qualifications for President: you must 35 or older, been […]

Donald Trump’s Operation Wetback

“Operation Wetback” was a program instituted by the Eisenhower Administration in 1954 to send illegal Mexicans back to Mexico.  It is now the model being cited by Donald Trump for his “deportation force” to rid America of the 11 million or so illegal immigrants, most of whom Trump assumes, are Mexicans. Like everything else, Operation […]

Here Comes Carly

The two Republican debates have proven to be a winnowing process, providing a window into which candidates might actually be elected president, and which won’t.  One can see five of the eleven on Wednesday’s stage at the Reagan Library as actually electable: Sen. Marco Rubio, former Gov. Jeb Bush, current governors Chris Christie and John Kasich, and […]

Donald Trump At War

Now that Donald Trump has the Republican presidential nomination sewn up, it is time to look at how he would approach important matters of policy such as the military.  With Mr. Trump this is a problem, because although hawkish today he is a classic Vietnam- era draft dodger. For California Republicans this presents a dilemma, […]

Preparing For The Trump Deportation Of Five Million Californians

Donald Trump’s statement on Meet the Press yesterday that he will deport all illegal immigrants and their American born children has huge implications for California, where this could affect as many as five million people. California is home to at least 2.5 million illegals, mostly Mexicans, who will need to be deported to Mexico.  Their […]

Alex Padilla’s Voter Reforms

Secretary of State Alex Padilla has some nifty new ideas on how to increase California’s dreadful voter turnout – 2014 was the lowest off-year turnout in history. Unfortunately, his ideas are not likely to increase voter participation for the simple, reason that more and more California voters simply see no reason to waste their time […]

Will The Supreme Court Remake California Politics?

Like a bolt out of the blue the US Supreme Court has suddenly thrust front and center the most important question in a democracy: who should exercise political power.  Should it be all the people, or should it just be those citizens qualified to vote?  The Supreme Court has agreed to hear a case out […]

How Steve Glazer Won

Mindful of the millions they spend electing Democrats, the public employee unions expect legislators to act like the old Soviet-era nomenklatura, compliant toadies who do what they are told.  So when one gets out of line it’s big deal.  Democratic special election candidate Steve Glazer dared do so, and labor spent $3.5 million trying to […]